Thursday, December 4, 2008

Intrapersonal Communication (Just Maybe...).

This is surprisingly difficult to write. I have no idea why, it's not like anyone is going to read this. This is primarily here for me... you're just a spectator. An outsider. Who is outside. Which is where you belong. Why would I want you inside of my head? Sometimes I don't even want to be there. And I live there. Or here. Wherever. Does it really matter? It's not as if my mind is matter. I have no reason to believe it takes up any space at all. 

Now if I'm talking to you, but in my head, is that intrapersonal or interpersonal? I'm talking to you, but then again... I'm not. I guess it's intrapersonal until you read it. Or maybe then it's both. It's quite confusing. Well, maybe it's actually really simple and I just haven't figured it out yet. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Maybe I'm not looking at all. Maybe I'm just over-thinking this entirely. As you can see (or more appropriately, read), I have a tendency to question myself. A lot. People claim I "overanalyze" things. But what do people know? That the Earth is round? Are you sure? How long did it take us to figure that one out? How about E=mc²? Didn't we just catch up to Einstein? We are a pretentious group. It seems like most of us, if not all of us, really don't know anything. So maybe questioning everything isn't so bad after all. just maybe...

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